Review of Council's Representation Structure (second consultation)
Consultation has concluded

Feedback on the Representation Review was considered by Council at its meeting held on 13 June 2017. A copy of the feedback is available by clicking here. At this meeting Council confirmed and endorsed its final position on the future structure and composition as follows:
The principal is a Mayor elected by the community
That the number of Elected Members is 11 (including the Mayor)
The current no ward structure is retained.
At its meeting held on 27 June 2017 Council adopted the Final Report.
Having adopted the Representation Review Final Report, it was referred to the Electoral Commissioner. A copy of the Final Report is available by clicking here.
The Electoral Commissioner is currently determining whether the requirements of the Representation Review have been satisfied If the Electoral Commissioner is satisfied Council will be notified in writing of a certificate of compliance and specify a day by which Council must publish a notice in the SA Government Gazette to advise of the completed review.
Should the Electoral Commissioner find that the report does not meet the statutory requirements, Council will be provided with a written explanation as to why certification has not been met. Council must take appropriate action and may alter the report before referring it again to the Electoral Commissioner.
Council must conduct a Representation Review at least once in every eight years in accordance with Section 12 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act).
The review gives the Council and the community the opportunity to examine the present composition and structure of Council and provides the opportunity to plan and implement changes that will better reflect the future requirements of the community.
The review examines the following:
Council being represented by a Mayor or a Chairperson
Council being represented by Area Councillors, Ward Councillors or a combination of both
If the Council should be divided into wards
How many Council Members should represent the Community
The review consists of five stages as follows:
Representation Review Options (completed, to view a copy of the Representation Options paper click here.)
First public consultation (completed from 12 January 2017 until 5.30pm 3 March 2017, a summary of the feedback received is available in the Representation Review Report)
Second public consultation
Final report
Stages 3 and 4 - Representation Review Report and Second public consultation (April 2017)
Following the conclusion of the first consultation a Representation Review Report has been prepared that takes into consideration responses to the Options Report and sets out Council’s proposal for the future composition and structure of the Council.
The Representation Review Report informs the public of the ‘in principle’ decision of Council.
Council is proposing the following in-principle future composition and structure:
The principal member of Council continues to be a Mayor, elected by the community
The future elected body of Council comprise 11 area councillors (including the Mayor) who will be elected by the community at council-wide elections to represent the whole of the Council area.
The Council area retains its ‘no ward’ structure
The Community is invited to have a say on the 'in principle' decision. You can have a say and make submissions on the Representation Review Report from 4 May 2017 until 9.00am, 29 May 2017, as follows:
Complete a survey online by clicking here or below or leave a comment in the guest book. To complete the survey online or to comment in the guest book you need to register to get involved. To register click on the brown register button. To find out more about registering click here.
Download a Response Form or collect a response form at Council’s Naracoorte and Lucindale offices. To download a Response Form click here.
Provide a written submission to Council addressed to Representation Review, Naracoorte Lucindale Council, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271 or delivered to the Naracoorte Council office, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte or the Lucindale Council office, Musgrave Avenue, Lucindale or email to
A copy of the Representation Review Report is available for inspection and / or purchase at Council’s Naracoorte and Lucindale offices or by clicking here.
Stage 5
Final report
Council must consider any submissions received and any representations made by persons who took the opportunity to appear before Council and confirm their decision. The report is finalised and Council forwards the final report to the Electoral Commissioner for certification.