Removal of 5 Pines trees on the Lucindale Recreation Reserve
Consultation has concluded

A report outlining the feedback received was provided to last year's September Council meeting. The Elected Members asked council staff to liaise with the Lucindale Cricket Club to explore the best option to address the pine trees. This resulted in the Lucindale Cricket Club, with some assistance from Council, pruning the trees.
Feedback is sought from the Community on the removal of 5 pine trees located on the Lucindale Recreation Reserve, Lucindale Oval section along the boundary between the Oval and Yakka Park.
A request has been received from the Lucindale Cricket Club for the removal of five pine trees at the Lucindale Recreation Reserve.
The Cricket Club believe the trees pose a risk to people playing cricket with balls being deflected from the trees and the trees casting shadows across the cricket pitch.
As the trees are over 5m in height and in accordance with Council’s tree management policy, the decision to remove the trees is the responsibility of the Elected Members.
To aid the Elected Members in making a decision that reflects the concerns and aspirations of the community feedback is invited.
A copy of the Tree Management Policy is available here.
If the removal of the trees is supported by the wider community the cost of felling the trees and stump mulching will be borne by Council. The Lucindale Cricket Club will be requested to remove debris.
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Get involved - Feedback Form and Written Submissions
Complete and return the feedback form available here.
Write to us at Lucindale Recreation Reserve.
Written submissions and feedback forms can be posted to PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271 or email or deliver to Naracoorte Council office, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte or Lucindale Council office, Musgrave Avenue, Lucindale.
Consultation closes on 7 August 2016
What happens to your ideas and feedback?
All input received will be collated and provided in a report to a Council meeting.
This report will be used to inform the decision made by Council in relation to the pine trees.