Council seeks community feedback on two options for the proposed Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre
Consultation has concluded

Naracoorte Lucindale Council is seeking community feedback on two options for the proposed Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre.
After meeting with delegates from the Naracoorte & District Sports Centre Committee, the Council is now seeking feedback from the broader community.
Council wants to know if the community is supportive of plans to continue progressing the Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre proposal.
It is asking people to consider two possible project builds for the Regional Sports Centre:
- An $8M PROJECT BUILD comprising a standalone 2-court indoor sports stadium; or
- A $35M PROJECT BUILD comprising a new standalone two-storey complex.
OPTION 1, for the $8M PROJECT BUILD, comprises a standalone 2-court indoor sports stadium containing:
- 2 multi-sport courts, with 1 court being a basketball/netball show court with fixed spectator seating
- Community function room, canteen/kitchen, office, changerooms and storage
The existing basketball stadium is proposed to be retained with this project build.
OPTION 2, for the $35M PROJECT BUILD, is a new standalone two-story complex providing:
- 4 indoor multi-use courts
- Modern changeroom facilities
- Umpires' facilities
- Commercial kitchen and function room (clubrooms)
- 4 squash courts
- Canteen
- Administration area
- Lift
- Multiple viewing areas
The $35M project build would result in the removal of the existing football, netball and tennis clubrooms.
Council is presenting four rate modelling and loan scenarios to the community to consider for the two project builds, which all show how rates will be impacted by the proposed Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre. These are:
- Scenario 1 - $8M project build with 1/3 Council contribution and 2.38% increase on current rate revenue* (based on interest rate as at 25/10/2023)
- Scenario 2 - $8M project build with 1/2 Council contribution and 3.58% increase on current rate revenue* (based on interest rate as at 25/10/2023)
- Scenario 3 - $35M project build funded by 15-year loan with 1/3 Council contribution and 10.43% increase on current rate revenue* (based on interest rate as at 25/10/2023)
- Scenario 4 - $35M project build funded by 30-year loan with 1/3 Council contribution and a 7.49% increase on current rate revenue* (based on interest rate as at 25/10/2023)
All costings are based on the assumption that external funding will be provided by the State and Federal Governments.
The history of the Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre proposal has its beginnings in 2018. In 2019, Council endorsed the Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre Masterplan delivered by Tredwell Consultants. In 2021, Studio Nine Architects were engaged to undertake the design and feasibility study based on the Masterplan - it was estimated that the total cost of the project, with a pool, was just shy of $42M, which wasn't supported by Council at the time.
Given the cost, Council then sought a design from Studio Nine Architects for a project build with a budget cost of $20M. The proposal - for a 2-court stadium with no provision for aquatics - didn't appear to provide any significantly greater benefit to the community or key stakeholders and as a result was shelved.
After being briefed on the history of the Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre project earlier this year, the Council decided to revisit the proposal.
As a result, Council has now decided to seek feedback on the community on two possible project builds.
Current Community Consultation
Community consultation on the two possible project builds is open from Tuesday 14 November and will run for 4 weeks until COB on Tuesday 12 December.
Feedback is welcome by:
- Completing the online survey below
- Completing a hard-copy survey available from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices, Naracoorte Library and Naracoorte Visitor Information Centre
Four drop-in sessions will also be held in the Alexandra Room at the Naracoorte Library during the consultation period when community members can chat informally to Council representatives about the proposals. These drop-in sessions will be held on:
- Thursday 16 November at 10.30am-11.30am
- Thursday 16 November at 5.30pm-6.30pm
- Thursday 30 November at 10.30am-11.30am
- Thursday 30 November at 5.30pm-6.30pm
A report on the outcomes of the community consultation will be presented to the Council's first monthly meeting for the New Year on 23 January 2024.
You can go the Documents Library on this page to view:
The Community Consultation Plan endorsed by Council at its Special Meeting on 31 October.
The 2019 Naracoorte Regional Sports Centre Masterplan by Tredwell Consultants.
You can also view a number of concept images and site plans for both project builds in the Photo Gallery.