Have your say on the draft Lucindale Masterplan
Consultation has concluded

Community feedback is now open on the new draft Lucindale Masterplan.
The revised Lucindale Masterplan has been drafted by consultants Holmes Dyer following a review of the 2019 Lucindale Masterplan. Naracoorte Lucindale Council called for the review to ensure the Masterplan remains current and meets the changing needs and expectations of the Lucindale community.
The revised Lucindale Masterplan aims to provide the community with certainty and understanding about the medium-to-long term direction of the future development of the Lucindale township.
In late 2023, the first stage of consultation was undertaken for the Lucindale Masterplan and the feedback collected identified new and amended actions for the community spanning the themes of housing, community services, open space and recreation, main street amenity and transport.
Feedback on the draft Lucindale Masterplan is open for four weeks until March 28.
You can read through the draft Lucindale Masterplan in the Documents library at the top of this page, and scan the QR code below to complete an online survey.
Printed copies of the draft plan and hard copy surveys can also be collected from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices.
Due to the complexity of the draft Lucindale Masterplan, Holmes Dyer will offer an online presentation of the draft plan to interested community members in the Lucindale Council Chambers at 6-7pm on Wednesday 13 March.
Holmes Dyer will lead the presentation via Teams and community members will be welcome to attend in person and ask questions of the consultants. A recording of the presentation will also be made available to the wider community afterwards for those who aren’t able to attend.
Written feedback on the draft Masterplan can also be provided to Holmes Dyer via post or email at:
E Email: engagement@holmesdyer.com.au
Post: Holmes Dyer Pty Ltd, Level 3, 15 Featherstone Place, Adelaide SA, 5000
All written feedback should be addressed to Attention: Natasha Holmes, Lucindale Masterplan Review and Update.
Should you wish to ask questions or require further information on the draft plan, please contact Holmes Dyer on:
Phone: (08) 7231 1889
Email: engagement@holmesdyer.com.au
QR code
Scan this QR code below to complete the survey.
You can also go to the survey via this link - https://bit.ly/lucindaleonlinesurvey
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!