Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2021-2022 - Community Consultation
Consultation has concluded.

$11.5M of capital works and projects with a minimal 1% increase in general rates headlines the proposed 2021/22 Naracoorte Lucindale Council Annual Business Plan & Budget.
The draft Budget ensures the continuation of services for the community, new and ongoing events, investment in the sport and recreation sector and ongoing operations and projects at the Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange.
Key capital works projects from the draft budget include:
- Naracoorte Library Redevelopment
- Sealed road designs for Binnum Benayeo Road, Miles Road, Premier Drive and Robertson Street
- Construction of Boddingtons West Road (subject to grant funding)
- Continuation of rural road re-sheeting, and reseal programs
- Stormwater drainage works on Foster Street
- Open space upgrades around the district including McTernan Park
- Amenities and building upgrades at Cockatoo Lake and Lucindale CBD
- New promotional banners (Western Entrance to Naracoorte)
- Funding for the Fringe Festival and the Tour of the Great South Coast
Chief Executive Officer Trevor Smart has confidence that Council has delivered a proposed budget that is an appropriate balance between the current economic climate and ensuring Council delivers on the community’s expectations for effective services.
“In 2021 we see the continued impact and recovery efforts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Council has worked hard to retain a low rate increase to reflect the pressure on families at this time.”
Naracoorte Lucindale Council remains in a strong fiscal position, and in line with our financially sustainable approach, the proposed budget will deliver an operating surplus of just over $580,000 while sustaining a sound cash position.
The draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2021/2022 is now available for the community to review and comment on.
You can have your say until 5pm on Thursday 10th June 2021 in the following ways:
- Emailing council@nlc.sa.gov.au
- Writing to Council at PO Box 555, Naracoorte, SA, 5271
- Commenting at www.yoursay.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au/admin/projects/draftannualbudget2021-2022
Council will host five community drop-in sessions on the budget from May 24th-28th 2021.
The dates and locations for these sessions are:
*Naracoorte Town Hall foyer - Monday 24th May, noon to 1pm
*Lucindale Deli - Wednesday 26th May, 10.30am to noon
*Frances General Store - Wednesday 26th May, 3-4pm
*Naracoorte Town Hall foyer - Friday 28th May, 10-11am
*Kincraig Plaza, Naracoorte - Friday 28th May, noon to 1pm
Mayor Erika Vickery OAM and Chief Executive Officer Trevor Smart will attend all of the sessions.
To view the full version of the draft documents, click on the links below:
Draft Annual Business Plan 2021-22
Comment online below.
To comment online, you need to register to get involved. It's easy to register - just click on the sign-up banner at the top of this page!
Write to us at:
Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2021-22, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271 or email council@nlc.sa.gov.au