Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2019-2020 - community feedback

Consultation has concluded

Draft Budget 2019-2020


Have your say on Council’s draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2019-20 at one of the three drop in sessions being held at:

  • Lucindale Deli - Thursday 6 June, 10.00 to 11.00am
  • Naracoorte Town Hall Foyer - Friday 7 June, 10.00 to 11.00am
  • Frances General Store - Friday 7 June, 3.00 to 4.00pm


Most people are surprised when the learn how much Councils actually do.

Imagine your town without street lighting, rubbish collection, or the maintenance of footpaths and roads.

Imagine no playgrounds, parks, libraries, recreational facilities or community halls.

Who would provide health inspections at local restaurants or rescue stray animals? These are just a few of the many services that councils provide.

Council is consulting on its Annual Business Plan and budget.

This is an opportunity to have input into priorities for the Council area for the coming year (2019/2020).

It includes information relating to proposed activities, expenditure and income for the year.


Council has prepared a draft Annual Business Plan and Budget.

You can review these documents by clicking on the links below:

Draft Annual Business Plan

Draft Budget

Draft Roads and Major Infrastructure Report

Summary of the draft Annual Business Plan and Budget

Click through the graphs showing expenses and income


Comment online below.

To comment online you need to register to get involved. To register click on the brown register button. To find out more about registering click here.

Write to us at:

Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2019-20, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271

or email council@nlc.sa.gov.au

or deliver to Council’s office - DeGaris Place, Naracoorte

In Person

At a Special Council meeting being held in the Council Chambers, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 from 7.00 – 8.00pm.

As the Annual Business Plan and Budget is developed the community has been or will be invited to make further comment as follows:

  • March - the community was invited to provide suggestions and great ideas for Council to consider during budget deliberations
  • 16 May to 6 June - Draft Annual Business Plan released for public consultation and community discussions held
  • 11 June - public meeting for community members to comment and present on the Draft Annual Business Plan


Have your say on Council’s draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2019-20 at one of the three drop in sessions being held at:

  • Lucindale Deli - Thursday 6 June, 10.00 to 11.00am
  • Naracoorte Town Hall Foyer - Friday 7 June, 10.00 to 11.00am
  • Frances General Store - Friday 7 June, 3.00 to 4.00pm


Most people are surprised when the learn how much Councils actually do.

Imagine your town without street lighting, rubbish collection, or the maintenance of footpaths and roads.

Imagine no playgrounds, parks, libraries, recreational facilities or community halls.

Who would provide health inspections at local restaurants or rescue stray animals? These are just a few of the many services that councils provide.

Council is consulting on its Annual Business Plan and budget.

This is an opportunity to have input into priorities for the Council area for the coming year (2019/2020).

It includes information relating to proposed activities, expenditure and income for the year.


Council has prepared a draft Annual Business Plan and Budget.

You can review these documents by clicking on the links below:

Draft Annual Business Plan

Draft Budget

Draft Roads and Major Infrastructure Report

Summary of the draft Annual Business Plan and Budget

Click through the graphs showing expenses and income


Comment online below.

To comment online you need to register to get involved. To register click on the brown register button. To find out more about registering click here.

Write to us at:

Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2019-20, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271

or email council@nlc.sa.gov.au

or deliver to Council’s office - DeGaris Place, Naracoorte

In Person

At a Special Council meeting being held in the Council Chambers, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 from 7.00 – 8.00pm.

As the Annual Business Plan and Budget is developed the community has been or will be invited to make further comment as follows:

  • March - the community was invited to provide suggestions and great ideas for Council to consider during budget deliberations
  • 16 May to 6 June - Draft Annual Business Plan released for public consultation and community discussions held
  • 11 June - public meeting for community members to comment and present on the Draft Annual Business Plan

Guest Book

Community feedback is sought on Council’s draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2019-20.  This is an opportunity to have input into priorities for the Council area for the coming year.

Consultation has concluded
You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

Naracoorte is well known for having amoung the highest council rates in the State. How can there be such a big difference between Naracoorte and Wattle Range rates? Wattle Range is a similar council area as Naracoorte yet their rates are considerably cheaper. If my property, which is located in Naracoorte township, were in Millicent I would be paying $654 less per year in rates. A difference of 22%.
Probably brought about by unnecessary expenditure, eg duplicating the footpath on Stewart Tce and laying bitumen on streets off Smith street that only have a couple of houses in them.

Mike R almost 6 years ago

Swings in playgrounds -- for Under 18 months kids
There are much safer swings on the market and used in public playgrounds including Redfern NSW than those currently in use in Naracoorte.
The local swing for under 18 months with the half circle black mould needs to be a full circle with 4 outlets for legs.
The strap used across on our swings in my opinion is a hazard as kids slide thru and it catches them under the chin.

Equipment in our parks must be the best and the safest - a good park is judged by the number of kids constantly using the park.
We are getting better with the introduction of shade.
However, the Sheep Streets Park still has no shade in spite of the requests back approx 4 years ago
Baby trampolines with the rubber ground surrounds as just installed by Unley Council in the Katharine St Park Fullarton just accessed of Wattle St. off Glen Osmond Road is such a great example when next you drive into Adelaide. Pictures are available.
The new swings are such that once the parent puts the kid in it he cannot get out.

travelbug about 6 years ago

Scrub - cold burn program around the whole town of Naracoorte
Who is watching out for our fire safety from bushfires?
What is the cool burn program around the town from scrub around the golf course to the park opposite Longridge. The Nature Park scrub should also be considered to further protect the north Primary School.
The undergrowth in the area is substantial.
During the heatwave new locals asked "where are the "fire refuge" areas"????
Has Council informed the community of our Disaster Plan and mailed it to the residents?
How prepared are we for a repeat of Ash Wednesday in the next few weeks????

travelbug about 6 years ago

McTernan Park was once a lovely area.
Neglected by council garden priorities there was a plan 4 years+ ago to sell half the area to residential .
The sale funds to maintain the Park.
Community consultation agreed and still the park is to be subdivided.
Please put this on the priority job as is a self funding project.

travelbug about 6 years ago

1.Master Plan for Naracoorte Sports Centre is long over due.
2. The whole area is tired and needs a revival with new demarcation lines between sports
3. Front entrance needs landscaping
4. Car park promised three years ago needs to happen at the front of basketball squash and Mens Shed areas
Removal of low bushes and new demarcation line overlooking hockey fields - a car park used mainly by basketball families

5. Tree removals of big trees brought down in October 2016 storm still lay on the ground.

All these and more is requiring council assistance as the clubs quite obviously do not have the volunteers to complete these tasks.
This area is visited by people from around the South East constantly and is begging for councils assistance.
Master Plan was mooted in 2011 and work was done for the Masters Games, but very little more has happened since.

travelbug about 6 years ago