Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2018 - 2019
Consultation has concluded

The Annual Business Plan and Budget for the 2018-2019 was adopted at the Council meeting held on 26 June 2018. To view a copy of the Annual Business Plan and Budget click here.
Feedback is sought on Council’s Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for the 2018-2019 (the Plan) financial year. The plan includes information about:
programs, projects, activities and initiatives that Council will undertake during the year
how council will fund its budget including information about rate and service charges
Find out about the Annual Business Plan and Budget
A copy of the plan and budget is available from Council offices or by clicking on the links below:
- Summary - Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget
- Scroll through the diagrams
- Draft Annual Business Plan
- Draft Budget
- Draft Major Roads and Infrastructure Report
Community Consultation
Have your say on and provide feedback on the Plan
Written Submissions (to be received by 5pm on the 8 June 2018)
Write to us at: Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2018-19, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271
or email council@nlc.sa.gov.au or fax 8762 3139
or deliver to Council’s office:
DeGaris Place, Naracoorte
In Person
At a Special Council meeting being held in the Council Chambers, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 from 7.00 – 8.00pm. Or attend one of the Drop In and Chat Sessions being held as follows:
- Thursday 31 May, 3pm to 5pm at the Frances Hotel Motel
- Thursday 7 June, 10am to 11am at the Lucindale Café and Deli
- Thursday 7 June, 3pm to 4pm Smith Street (near Morris Bakery), Naracoorte
For more information download the Drop In & Chat Flyer
Comment online
Comment online below.
To comment online you need to register to get involved. To register click on the brown register button. To find out more about registering click here.
Council will consider submissions during their budget deliberations.
Consultation closes at 5.00pm on 8 June 2018
I would like to know how you can spend $25k on a new Xmas tree for Naracoorte yet a new water point at the CFS shed at Stewart’s Range requires further information to work out the extent of works required. In my opinion having better fire protection is more important than a new Xmas tree. Maybe the tree can be a smaller scale.