Community feedback sought on two draft leases for Lucindale Recreation Reserve
Consultation has concluded

Community feedback is sought on two draft leases for the Lucindale Recreation Reserve.
Draft leases for the Lucindale Football Club (including the Lucindale Cricket Club) and Lucindale Netball Club were presented to Naracoorte Lucindale Council's July 24th monthly meeting after both clubs agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the draft leases.
Under provisions of the Local Government Act relating to community land, Council is now required to go to public consultation with the draft leases before they can be approved.
Both clubs are aware that this process is required, in addition to Crown Lands approval.
Discussions and negotiations have been ongoing for some time with the Council, Lucindale Football Club and Lucindale Netball Club to prepare the draft leases.
Both leases provide for a lease period of 21 years, with a right of renewal for a further 21 years, which is the maximum total term allowable under provisions of the Local Government Act.
The Lucindale Netball Club lease is largely straight forward, with all responsibility for buildings, fixtures, fittings, playground, and playing surfaces being with the Netball Club.
The Lucindale Football Club lease is similar, but with Council maintaining some responsibilities of:
- Bore, bore shed, and pump
- Mowing of oval (limited hours) in conjunction with the club's mower
- Mowing/slashing of surrounds
- Lease fee and Council Budget funds tied within lease for relativity.
Additionally, the Bay 13 toilets will now be the responsibility of the Lucindale Football Club. These were previously deemed public toilets.
Both of the draft leases include historical and background information to assist with any future discussions and negotiations.
The community is invited to review and comment on the draft leases from Wednesday 7th August to COB on Wednesday 4th September 2024.
You can have your say in the following ways:
- Commenting via the online feedback form below
- Completing a hard copy feedback form available from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices
- Emailing
- Writing to Council at PO Box 555, Naracoorte, SA, 5271
You can read through both draft leases in the Documents Library on this page, and hard copies are also available from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices.