Open Space Strategy
Consultation has concluded

Following consultation the updated Open Space Strategy was adopted by Council at its April 2018 meeting. The Strategy will guide the strategic management of Council owned or controlled open space into the future. The open Space Strategy was first adopted in 2011 and as a number of the actions in the initial Strategy were achieved the Strategy was reviewed and updated.
To view a copy of the updated Strategy click here.
Feedback is sought on Council's
Open Space Strategy which will guide the strategic management of Council owned or controlled open space into the future
In September 2011 following community consultation the 2011 Open Space Strategy was adopted. As a number of the actions in the initial Strategy have been achieved the Strategy has been reviewed and updated.
The draft Strategy lists open space maintained by Council and allocates each space to one of the following categories:
Local Open space
Neighbourhood Open Space
District Open Space
Regional Open Space
State Open Space
Network Open Space
The draft Strategy lists key design elements for each category of open space, actions that have been completed and actions for the future.
The intent of the draft Strategy is to provide the best possible services to the community while ensuring Council remains financially viable. In some circumstances this may result in reducing services or better managing open space. This is to ensure open space does not become a liability with additional assets needing to be maintained.
Why is Council consulting the community?
It is important to the community to have access to useable, safe and attractive open spaces. Open space contributes to the wellbeing and quality of life and the economic development and amenity of the district.
The management of Open Space needs to consider the needs and uses of the community and ensure they do not become a liability for Council.
As the community has a strong interest in Open Space, Council is committed to working with the community to deliver a robust and well managed open space network over the coming years.
Get involved
You can have a say and make submissions on the draft Strategy until 1 March 2018, as follows:
Click the links to read the draft Open Space Strategy and the 2011 Open Space Strategy or view a copy at Council offices.
Complete the online survey by clicking here. To complete the survey you need to register to get involved. To register click on the brown register button. To find out more about registering click here.
Download a Feedback Form or collect a response form at Council’s Naracoorte and Lucindale offices. To download a Feedback Form click here.
Provide a written submission to Council addressed to Open Space Strategy, Naracoorte Lucindale Council, PO Box 555, Naracoorte SA 5271 or delivered to the Naracoorte Council office, DeGaris Place, Naracoorte or the Lucindale Council office, Musgrave Avenue, Lucindale or email to
A copy of the draft Open Space Strategy is available for inspection at Council’s Naracoorte and Lucindale offices or by clicking here.