2023-2024 Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget
Consultation has concluded

Naracoorte Lucindale Council’s Draft 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan and Budget highlights a measured and considered approach to general rates while maintaining a progressive and diverse program of $12.97M in capital works and projects.
A healthy cash balance accumulated from previous years has allowed the Council to propose a relatively conservative 5% increase in general rate revenue of $11.66M, despite the challenging current economic climate.
The Draft Budget provides for the continuation of the high level of services that our community currently enjoys, as well as a suite of new projects across all areas of Council’s operations.
Key priority projects from the Draft Budget include:
- $7.69M on road construction, re-sheets and reseal projects, including the construction of Binnum-Benayeo Road (Stage 2), Wrattonbully and East Settlement Road, Boddingtons West Road, Ormerod Street-MacDonnell Street, and Frances walking trail;
- $1.72M on continued upgrades and improvements at the Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange;
- $878,389 on capital projects in open space areas across the Council area including the construction of two weirs in the Naracoorte Creek, the demolition and rebuilding of the Pioneer Park amenities block, an all-access trail and carpark at Lucindale’s Loechel Park, improvements to the Historical Avenue and drainage at the Naracoorte Cemetery, and a BMX track at Frances;
- $387,828 on the implementation of the Naracoorte Swimming Lake Masterplan including the upgrade of the changerooms, fencing replacement, improved parking, and café design;
- $180,000 on detailed design of the Naracoorte Town Centre Rejuvenation Plan;
- $98,500 towards the ongoing support and sponsorship for community events.
Mayor Patrick Ross has confidence that Council has delivered a proposed Annual Business Plan and Budget that is an appropriate balance between the current economic climate, a significant capital and projects program, and a continuation of a high standard of services, programs and activities to meet community expectations.
“Council has endorsed a measured and considered approach to general rates through a 5% increase from 2022-2023, and this is well below CPI, which reflects Council’s sound fiscal position. In line with our financially sustainable approach, the proposed Budget will deliver an operating surplus of over $1.5M while maintaining a positive cash position.”
The community was invited to review and comment on the 2023-2024 Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget from 9-30 May 2023.
You can read through the 2023-2024 Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget in the documents library at the top of this page, and hard copies are also available from the Naracoorte and Lucindale Council offices.
Following community consultation, a Special Council Meeting was held on 7 June to consider feedback from the community and determine any amendments to the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget.
Council will consider formal adoption of the Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2023-2024 at a meeting on 27 June 2023.